Introducing The Pumping Equation™️ Online Monthly Group Membership
In The Pumping Equation™️ Monthly Group Membership, you will learn how to increase your breastmilk supply with the right pump, flange, products, and schedule over 3 months (subscription renews every 3 months until canceled).
We believe establishing and maintaining breastmilk supply can take up to 12 weeks/3 months and we have a membership that can help you do just that.
You will learn about:
*hospital-grade pumps, primary pumps, small motor pumps, and wearable pumps
*how to flange size the PWP way and learn the importance of flange size and flange type
*our must-have pumping products for your pumping journey
*how to schedule pumping that fits into your goals, preferences, and lifestyle based on The 240-minute Rule™️
Join The Pumping Equation™️ Online Monthly Group Membership today on our website under Memberships!
We are looking forward to working with you.