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Effectiveness of Milk Removal

Effectiveness of milk removal from the breast is enhanced by:

-Application of vacuum

-Strength of vacuum



-Shield size and design (expression)

-Double pumping (expression

How the application of warmth to the breast shield promotes more efficient milk removal:

The time to remove 80% of milk pumped was decreased from 6.8 min to 4.8 min. 

How the application of warmth to the breast shield promotes more efficient milk removal:

Ultrasound imaging supported these results by showing a significant reduction in nipple duct diameter with cold ultrasound gel vs warm ultrasound gel.

How the application of warmth to the breast shield promotes more efficient milk removal:

Nipple temperature increased during both nursing and pumping. For each 1°celsius increase in nipple temperature, an additional 10 mL of milk was removed during pumping. 


You may be able to pump MORE milk by adding heat, but it slightly speeds up the process!

I call that a win-win. Make sure you save this post so you remember to add heat to your nipple next time you pump!

Did you know that heat can be beneficial to remove more milk? Do you want to know about the best products for you in your pumping journey?

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