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Power Pumping

Power Pumping Is:

☑️Pumping for 20 minutes

☑️Rest for 10 minutes

☑️Pump for 10 minutes

☑️Rest for 10 minutes

☑️Pump for 10 minutes

Power pumping can help you to increase supply or help when you experience supply dips. It is also called cluster pumping.

Have your tried power pumping? Did it work for you? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

Note: this may not work at all if something else is going on. It is always best to work with a Breast Pumping Expert™️

Book a Premier Pumping Consult today!

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24 de abr.

Power pumping is person dependent and may not work as intended if told or an underlying concern is present. We use this as a last resort with our clients because it can be very time consuming and may be unsustainable long term. Generally, we say once a day for maybe a week and if it does not work as intended then you can reach out to not prolong getting the care that you deserve. Happy to discuss a personalized plan with you in a consult:


I always get confused about how long you’re supposed to power pump. Once a day, for 3 days? A week? More than once a day??

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