With our Premier Pumping Consult Post-Purchase Process Plan, we’re committed to providing you with support and guidance every step of the way.
Here’s what’s included:
1️⃣ Receive your personalized Premier Pumping Plan, tailored specifically to your needs and goals.
2️⃣ Review your care plan and ask any immediate questions via our secure message portal, ensuring you have clarity and confidence moving forward.
3️⃣ Enjoy 7 days of follow-up care based on your care plan, ensuring you have ongoing support as you implement your pumping routine.
4️⃣ Complete any flange fitting instructions to ensure optimal comfort and efficiency during your pumping sessions.
5️⃣ Purchase any recommended pump, flanges, and pumping products using special saving codes (varies by products)
6️⃣ Have any concerns or questions? Simply send them through our secure message portal for prompt assistance.
7️⃣ Once your products arrive, you can book a real-time pumping session if it wasn’t conducted during your initial consult. (Additional consult may be needed.)
What aspect of your pumping routine are you most looking forward to optimizing with our support? Let’s talk about it in the comments.
Ready to elevate your pumping journey to the next level? Book your Premier Pumping Consult today and let’s make magic happen!
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Disclaimer: This post is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be viewed as medical advice in any way. These posts do not, and are not intended to, constitute as professional advice or consultation with a certified lactation professional.