Join Us!
Take a break from your busy schedule to ask some questions, provide support, and just have fun!
Whether you’re a pumping mama looking for advice or just someone who wants to chill, we’d love to see you on our LIVE. So grab your pump, snack and pull-up with us for some our pumping- related chats!
What day & times are you free to join a live? Let me know in the comments.
#pumpwithpurpose #exclusivelypumping #breastpumps #breastpump #breastpumping #exclusivelybreastfed #breastfeedingmama #blackmomskillingit #newmomlife #breastfedbaby #milksupply #blackmomsbreastfeed #mamasofinstagram #motherhoodunplugged
Disclaimer: This post is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be viewed as medical advice in any way. These posts do not, and are not intended to, constitute as professional advice or consultation with a certified lactation professional.