If you are returning to work, Pump with Purpose is sending lots of love your way. It is already hard enough to go back to work, but to add pumping to the mix is an added stressor.
Let’s work together to develop a customized plan based on your specific needs. A plan can make it easier to navigate your return to work.
Some quick tips include:
-Start your routine at least two weeks before returning. Use first week to practice and second week to do any course correction.
-Send the baby to a caregiver a few days before so the baby can get acclimated to the new environment.
-If possible, start work on a Wednesday so you do not have a full work week. It is easier for some people to start half way through the work week.
What are you most concerned about when it comes to returning to work? Let’s take the guesswork out of it all, you do not have to figure it out alone.
Book a Premier Pumping Consult today!