The color of breast milk is usually yellow, white, tan, cream, or clear; but if it is a different color, it could mean different things depending on which color it is.
Blue Milk
Sometimes milk changes colors after you pump and store it in the refrigerator. It may separate and one of the bottom layers may have a blue tint to it, but that doesn't mean that anything is wrong with it. You can still feed it to your baby.
Green Milk
After you eat green foods or foods that contain green dyes you may notice a greenish tone to your breast milk.Your breast milk might also have a green tone if you drink green-colored beverages, eat a good amount of green vegetables, or add certain herbs or vitamin supplements to your diet.
Black Milk
Black breast milk is linked to antibiotic Minocin (minocycline). The use of Minocin is not recommended while you're nursing. That's why it's so important that you always let your doctor know that you are breastfeeding before taking any medication.
Brown, Rust-Colored, or Blood-Tinged Milk
If blood from inside your breasts leaks into your milk ducts, your breast milk may look brown, dark orange, or rust-colored. If you have cracked nipples, blood can get into the milk causing it to have red streaks in it as well, but the good thing is you can still breastfeed! If you continue to notice blood in your milk, you should speak to your doctor about it.
Pink, Orange, or Red Milk
You may notice pink, orange, or red-tinged breast milk after eating foods that are naturally these colors, or after having foods or drinks that contain red, yellow, or orange food dye. Examples of foods and drinks that can cause milk to be these colors are beets, orange soda, and red or orange fruit drinks.