The Dangers of Saying:
“Eat More, Drink More, Pump More, Sleep More, Stress Less”
Have you heard:
-I ate ______ and it increased my milk supply.
-I drank ______ and it increased my milk supply.
-I power pumped or pumped every 2 hours and it increased my milk supply.
-I sleep “more” now and it increased my milk supply.
-I stress “less” and it increased my milk supply.
When I’m reality, someone could be:
-Using the wrong pump
-Using the wrong flange
-Using wrong pumping products
-On the wrong schedule
-Having nipple pain/soreness/trauma/damage
-Using herbal supplements
-Experiencing clogs
-Experiencing mastitis
-Had breast surgery
-Have an underlying condition
And so much more
There could be so much more going on than meets the eye and generalized advice can prolong people from getting the care that they deserve!
You can offer the advice, but also consider that lactation can be so much more complex for some people. There is so much history and background in a lactation journey that should be considered.
Have you been told some version of this? Let’s talk about in the comments.
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