What does the baby friendly hospital designation mean?
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in the United States, Baby-Friendly USA (BFUSA) is responsible for coordinating and conducting all activities necessary to confer the prestigious Baby-Friendly® designation and ensure the widespread adoption of the BFHI in the US.
They do this by:
* Refining and upholding the standards/criteria for successfully implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in the US
* Assessing and accrediting birthing facilities that meet those standards and follow the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes
* Generating widespread understanding of and enthusiasm for best practice infant feeding care
These are the basic tenets of BFUSA’s philosophy and approach:
1. Human milk fed through direct breastfeeding is the optimal way for human infants to be nurtured and nourished.
2. The precious first days in the birth facility should be protected as a time of bonding and support not influenced by commercial interests.
3. Every mother should be informed about the importance of breastfeeding and respected to make her own decision.
From Pump with Purpose
What all of this means…
Please understand that the words…
Free from commercial interests means just that
Unless deemed medically necessary, there is support for direct breastfeeding mainly at these hospitals.
Please read around at the source below to make your own informed decision of delivering at a baby-friendly hospital is best for you and your family.
You can use the search and mapping functions below to find the Baby-Friendly facilities near you.
Calling all new parents and parents-to-be!
Did you know that some hospitals are awarded the “Baby-Friendly” title? But what exactly does it entail.
Baby-Friendly facilities are committed to creating an environment that promotes breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and mother-baby bonding right from the start. They offer crucial support and education to empower families on their parenting journey.
We just want you to understand that free from commercial interests mean just that. There may be little to no support of use of a breast pump unless deemed medically necessary. We really encourage you to consider your goals and make an informed decision when deciding if you would like to deliver at a baby-friendly hospital.
Every hospital experience is different so really understanding what all of this really means and finding out as much as possible about how and where you deliver are so critical.
Have you ever wondered about baby-friendly lhospitals for your bundle of joy? Let’s talk about it in the comments.
Source: https://www.babyfriendlyusa.org/