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Exclusive Pumping

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Hey yall,

I have rhe Madela in style and im stating to think its not doing enough for me im at the last level and the suction isn't there.

I was measured by a LC and was told i was a 21mm?

Yet when im done pimping they are so swollen they get sucked in all the way-.-

Anyone else have an issue with this pump

Aug 29, 2024

Hey, to be honest that’s the one my insurance covered. Now to be fair I though I would only breastfeed and not pump so I didn’t to my research I had no idea about flange sizing and inserts and that I had to pump every 2 hours in the beginning to establish a good milk supply so I messed up big time and I am paying the consequences now as a really bad under-supplier.With that being said even having no knowledge of anything at like the first couple of weeks I would pump 6oz w them mind u with no measurements but i feel that pump did mess me up I also didn’t have that big ol suction but then again it could’ve been my fault since I did everything wrong n I should’ve prepared myself better. Idk why I’m even writing this seems like it’s not even helpful lol Also ur sizes can change multiple times and u may be a different size on both nips one thing I learned is that they are sisters not twins so they can measure differently and that’s ok.

Hey mamas! FTM and new here! I am so curious a lot of the breastfeeding mom groups on FB are against Fenugreek in lactation supplies. Can somebody tell me whyyy?

Sep 22, 2024

I decided to risk fenugreek. My first baby I triple fed for 4 months since I was sooo determined. Nothing increased supply.

With my second I decided to try fenugreek. Overnight I dried up.

Thankfully I’ve been able to come back from it, and have been producing again, but it was scary

Hello everyone! Hopefully I’m not the only one worrying about this but is anyone else having a dip in production months 2???? I am back at work trying to stick to the schedule I prepared for myself and don’t want to be discouraged. Any advice?

N E Wallace
Aug 19, 2024

Hydrate, hydrate hydrate, make sure you are not stressed or overwhelmed. Going back to work can be a tedious thing because it’s so much of an adjustment from being off. Make peace in your space and again Hydrate. I usually drink about 6 bottles of water at work and a coconut water

Heyyyy mamas it’s me again

I am convinced that the birth control mini pill is the culprit of my low milk supply although doctors deny it. Has anyone experienced low milk supply w the mini pill?

Aug 14, 2024

My bump mate her milk went so low after going back on birth control that she gave up on her breastfeeding journey. I’m no doctor but when you do your research on the hormones it def does seem to affect milk production.


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