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Overnight Pump Challenge

Public·153 members

Day 31:

"Congratulations on completing the 31-Day Overnight Pump Challenge! You’ve shown incredible strength and commitment. 🎉 How do you plan to continue your breastfeeding journey?"

Sep 01, 2024


So glad I’ve been able to feed my baby girl breast milk for close to five months now. I feel very confident that we’ll be able to get to the six-month mark on only breast milk and then we can evaluate readiness for solids and start introducing solids gradually when she’s ready. I plan to continue pumping and feeding with breast milk even after she starts solids up until 1 year. My supply is at a good place now- and I’ve found that reviewing my pumping schedule to every 4 hours hasn’t impacted my supply. My goal is still two overnight pumps + 2-3 more pumping sessions during the day. One thing I’m so glad about was being able to invest in a better primary pump. That has really done wonders for my supply and for this, I’m super grateful for this community and Dr. Dixon. So many times, I’ve been discouraged and unmotivated and considered ending this journey but I’m grateful for all the tips, advice and resources that have helped me and kept me going. Y’all rock!! Btw I don’t think I will ever give up my overnight pumps even when I start dropping pumps- they help me stay up to study and complete assignments. Some nights are harder than others but I do what I can and I’m grateful for it! Keep at it mommas! We all got this!


Overnight Pump Challenge group set up to pump overnight duri...


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