Is your little one rejecting your stored breast milk due to high lipase? Don't worry, we've got solutions!
✅Flash Freeze: Freeze extra milk as soon as it’s expressed
✅Mix with fresh milk
✅Couple drops of non-alcoholic vanilla extract
But if baby's still not on board:
✅Try letting someone else feed baby
✅Mix with solids, smoothies, etc.
✅Freeze drying
Don't forget to:
✅Try offering other time periods of frozen milk to see if baby accepts
✅Try offering again once baby is older than one year and milk is not expired
✅Give to your toddler if possible (if desired)
✅Donate (if desired)
Have you tried any of these if you suspect that you are dealing with high lipase breastmilk? Let’s talk about it in the comments.
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