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Overnight Pump Challenge

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Hi mamas,

Sorry this is going to be long-winded but can anyone help with tips, suggestions, ideas? I’m 4 months pp and work in a university environment in a lab. I’ve been back to work since about 6 weeks pp but since it’s summer, my working hours have been flexible so I haven’t had to be in the lab everyday or for long hours so I’ve been able to keep up with my pumping schedule even when I have to work in the lab. I use the mommed s21 wearable when I have to work in the lab and I have two cup sets which allow me to be able to pump twice if I have to. The pump works great for the most part, I know there are better wearables but this is what I can afford , my only challenges are that it’s not so discreet- it’s easy for someone sitting close by to detect the noise and it looks like I’m wearing two large balls in my boobs. Since it’s fall and I take classes during fall, some of my class times or TA times fall within my pumping times. Some days, I figure I can pump before class or something but there are some high intensity days where I’m having classes back to back for 4 hours and I won’t even be able to catch a break to pump for 30 mins. I’m a just-enougher so I’m really paranoid about dropping any pump at all or missing pumps since this could potentially lower my supply. Is there any way I could go around this? Is it fair to others to pump while in class? Are there ways around this? Would it look less discreet if I maybe wear a large shawl while pumping in class? Using lower suction settings seem to generate less noise- should I go with this? Should I just accept whatever happens and supplement with formula if my supply goes down? My goal was 6 months of exclusive BF and we are almost at the 6-month mark and it’ll be nice to achieve it. Am I putting myself under too much pressure trying to do it all when I need to understand that something has to give? I’d appreciate any and all advice. Thank you

N E Wallace
Aug 13, 2024

Your primary goal is to feed your baby, if you are in class and need to pump, sit in the back close to the door let your classmate know that you are pumping and let them choose what they do with it. I have groups on one of my pump times, I did not change my pump and wait until later nope, absolutely not. My supervisor knows my pump times and I let my clients know I will be off camera for the next 30 minutes but will return. I continue facilitating the group, with my camera off until I’m done pumping. Pumping is primary for me everything else is second. Hope this helps!! Do not lesson your pumps because like you I also am a just enough supplier and because of that I can’t afford to miss as well. So don’t be ashamed, embarrassed etc. this is for a baby. Inflation causes formula to be to high, other formulas are on recall so as a mother you are doing your due diligence to feed your child. No shame in that, and any sane person would understand and if they don’t, I’m sure they can find another seat in the class. Also, get you a nursing covering if you don’t want to look bulging. Hope this helps



Overnight Pump Challenge group set up to pump overnight duri...


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