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Breast Pump Replacement Parts

Breast Pump Parts Replacement 

Duckbill: every month 

Membrane: every 1-2 months 

Plastic parts (i.e., flanges): as needed or when damaged 

Tubing: when damaged or gets wet on the inside 

Note: The duckbill and membrane recommendations are if you pump over 3 times a day and do not have extra parts. 

Maintaining your breast pump is key to optimal performance! 

Remember to change your duckbill every month, membrane every 1-2 months, plastic parts as needed or when damaged, and tubing when it gets wet on the inside. 

Side note: The duckbill and membrane recommendations are if you pump over 3 times a day and do not have extra parts. 

How often do you replace your breast pump parts? Let’s talk about it in the comments. 

Ready to learn more about maximizing your pumping experience? Book a Premier Pumping Consult and gain expert insights into pump care, milk supply, and more.

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